
So you made your way here to find out about our humble podcast? Too bad! We don’t feel like talking about it! Just kidding. We love talking as is apparent in our episodes. So let’s do this!

As our podcast’s title would suggest, we use it to discuss everything. One topic at a time. One topic per episode. What will any given episode’s topic be? Who knows? The chosen topics for each episode may be selected because of something going on in our own lives, going on in society/the world or was suggested by someone and we felt that it was a good idea.

So why listen to us discuss life’s topics? Good question. But we tend to have interesting perspectives and look at things in ways that not everyone does. Does that mean that we believe that we are correct and anyone sees it a different way is wrong? Absolutely not! But it’s about creating even more fully informed opinions. Sometimes it can help you see how others may view the topic. So agree or disagree..it’s all good! We believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion even when it differs from our views. Hell…we don’t always view everything the same way either but as friends we strive to understand our differences of opinion and respect each other and the varying opinions.

We have found that even when someone has a different opinion on one topic, once we listen and understand their reasoning for having that opinion….we keep listening and find out overall we are quite similar and we likely would not have realized it had we discredited them based on their viewpoints/feelings on one single topic. We are about opening lines of communication.

But mainly we like to make each other laugh and do our best to entertain those who listen. That is another reason why we wanted to launch this website. The message boards and page comment sections allow any listeners to lend their thoughts to the discussion. Being a podcast makes it pretty one-sided so we wanted to offer a means for those that listen to be able to get involved after the fact!

Each episode also features music break tracks! Because podcasts are such a talk heavy medium we wanted to offer music breaks throughout our podcasts. Since we are both musicians/songwriters it is a joy to create these tracks. And if you are a registered member of our site, you will be able to get your hands on the tracks featured in episodes!

That’s about it! We thank you for being here and we hope you’ll hang around with us! Without you we are simply talking to ourselves.