
Anyone can become a member of this site for free! Why might you want to become a member? Let us hit you with some reasons!

  1. You can post comments on pages that we set to allow comments
  2. You can do everything in our forums that one can do in forums. Unregistered visitors can only view them. But being registered and logged in allows you to respond to existing threads and create new ones!
  3. You get your very own profile which has multiple benefits of its own.
  4. You can private message us and other members of our community.
  5. You will be able to download any of the music break tracks featured in our episodes for free.
  6. You will be able to view extra content once we get to the point that we have additional content we want to feature.
  7. In time we will consider topics offered by members to add to our list to eventually use for an episode.
  8. We will be adding more features to the site as we go along and being a registered member will allow you to instantly have access to them.

There are other reasons and more will become available..but hey…it’s free! Registration takes a negligible amount of time and you will be instantly given access to all of the above and more. We will never give anyone access to any information provided when you sign up! This site uses cookies only to keep your account logged in after leaving the site and only if you want to. Logging out deletes this cookie. We do not use cookies or your personal information for advertisement purposes. We respect our own privacy and the privacy of everyone in our little community here!